It probably wasn't done wrong, it may own been the wrong treatment. The numbness and dull pain from carpal tunnel comes from the median nerve. The medial backbone originates from several cheek branches in the d¨|colletage. When you pinch the nerve you seldom get hold of the sypmtoms right at the point of compression, they usually happen distally or away from the verbs. I recommend that you get a chiropractic evaluation. The doctor can pinpoint exactly where on earth the problem really is and treat it conservatively and maybe avoid another surgery.
Maybe working a baby grand and mouse too much?
You are doing something repetitively. Is it in just one hand? Are you on the computer deeply. If so, get a thumb activate track ball mouse. They bear some time to get used to but relieve the wrist from right-left mouse duty.
If the first surgery help then it be done right. Don't repeat the actions that do it.
no / carpel tunnel /does come back after surgery /sometimes / it is cause by work / that is repetitious / if necessitate be / get a position that /is not that / good luck
Yes-quite possible the transverse carpal ligament be not fully cut. This happens if the soul doing the surgery is not familiar next to the anatomy of the hand. I would ask another doctor to operate on me.
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