Saturday, October 16, 2010

I enjoy a really itchy bruise near a lump surrounded by the middle. What is it and how do I stop the itching?

It has be there for at tiniest two weeks and gone through a series of color changes, but it is still driving me CRAZY! It happened when I go for a run in the woods and I run into a down tree that was across the pedestrian area.I enjoy a really itchy bruise near a lump surrounded by the middle. What is it and how do I stop the itching?
If not for the itching, I'd say it is a hematoma (really big bruise). But because of the itching, I'd see a doc.
Put an cold or heat compress on it.
Go to the doctor and watch for lymes disease. It could be a bull's eye.
you could enjoy a splinter in the center of where on earth the bruise is and should have the Dr enjoy a look see =infection is not nice
Does it look like a bullseye?
because if it does you may hold been bitten by a tick and hold Lymes disease.
I would get it checked out by a doctor.

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