Monday, October 25, 2010

I hear that you can in truth die from have too heaps orgasms...?

Something about the chemicals that your brain releases during an orgasm poisons you within large quantity. Has anyone ever heard of this? If so, can you flamboyant or provide a website with more information?I hear that you can in truth die from have too heaps orgasms...?
Did you hear this from a credible source?
NOpe, never hear of this...Probably some rumor...
What? I think there's zilch wrong with have so many ORGASMS.
It is prearranged as "The Royal Death".
Unless you are a born Noble, don't worry going on for it.
I've never heard of this but what a instrument to go!!
Science, at this point surrounded by time, has not identified a brain chemical that poisons a entity. Human bodies are geared towards homeostasis, and any huge amount of anything is generally dispersed and carried throughout the body where on earth it can be filtered, stored, eliminate, etc.
And that has zilch to do with sexual pleasures...
Simply not a phenomenon.
You anticipate, the results of orgasms are accumulative? I so wish. What a approach to go! If I can't go beyond on while sleeping, please let me pass by while in the throes of fervour. They probably wouldn't be able to wipe the smile bad my face even beside a 2X4.
If that was true I don't believe any boys would live bygone their teens. Seriously.
hasn't happened to me but -i'm still alive and kicking. AND having multiples!
are you for definite? the way teens be in motion at- it don't you think they would be dropping approaching fly's, and a middle aged man would be a rareaity

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