Saturday, October 23, 2010

I own plantar fasciitis and have a cortisone injection 5 days ago, the dull pain is almost gone, how long do I enjoy

to wait to play squash again. I'm relatively sure, squash caused the plantar fasciitis but i love to play itI own plantar fasciitis and have a cortisone injection 5 days ago, the dull pain is almost gone, how long do I enjoy
you should rest for two weeks and tolerate the medication get rid of As much inflammation as possible. plantar fasciitis is a intensely difficult condition to control. After you play squash you should soak your feet surrounded by hot water near 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts. You're going to hold to take strictness of your feet and pay cheque more attention than you used to. I also recommend massage psychoanalysis to help do business with the problem.
Quit taking the injections, they one and only "help" 40% of the people that bear them, and quit playing squash, the plantar fasciitis is a forever thing, it will other flair up, I have have it for 20 years so far, and I know injecting steroids in your foot is not going to help much if any. You could of late be experiencing the placebo effect, your doctor said it would help and your brain think he is right.

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