Monday, October 25, 2010

I only just broke my pinky toe.again!?

I did this 2 1/2 months ago, and did it again today, yes the same toe, I be seriously holding back the tears.jeez, have a chat about impossible luck. It immediately get hot, inflamed/swollen, it's purple now and I enjoy a job where on earth I have to be on my foot ALL day...what can I do to comfort the injury. Do they net any split like bandage for toes? I know they have them for hand and fingers.. Last time I just took asprin and deal with it, my calves get so sore just trying not to put pressure on my foot. What can I do?/I only just broke my pinky toe.again!?
cassette the pinkie securely to the toe subsequent to it, no splints made for toes, sorry. Ice it and elevate it whenever possible, take Ibuprofen to give a hand minimize swelling. Stop going barefoot!! and watch where on earth you step.
that honestly is about adjectives you can do for a toe break. rest it put ice on it or wrap it.
sorry to hear roughly your pain. i do know how you have a feeling. my left piggy toe i smash adjectives the time. kitchen chairs,my hope chest. i have a d depth shoe size so my feet are cavernous. the only entry i can tell you is something for agony and i used to tape the ultimate 3 toes together, it did help. upright luck to you
Go to a doctor!!like ASAP
oh and I'm sorry almost your toe

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